Thursday, July 10, 2014

Beautiful People July Edition-Jastin

Hello everybody, the July edition of Beautiful People just came out a few days ago! For those of you who don't know Beautiful People is a monthly set of questions to help me, and you, get to know my characters. Last month I participated in BP and answered the questions about my character Nadasa from "The Paths of Thyme". This time I will be answering the questions for Jastin, the second main character in "The Paths of Thyme". 

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1) What’s their favourite food? Cake, any kind of cake at all.

2) What do they absolutely hate? Being treated like a child, especially by his father and older brothers.

3) What do they enjoy learning about? He enjoys learning things he thinks are useful, like lockpicking, stealing, swordplay, hunting, and pretty much anything else that captures his interest.

4) Who is the most influential person in their life? His best friend Lark, who is a stable boy employed in his father's household. Jastin would talk to Lark for hours about his dreams, and plans for adventure. Lark is the reason he eventually did leave his family and try to start a new life.

5) What is their childhood fear? Jastin held his older brothers in a mixture of of horrified awe. They would torment him endlessly, in less than harmless ways. When he was younger he lived in constant fear of what they would do to him next.

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Here's a picture of Cody Christian that looks a lot like Jastin to me. 

6) What is something they have always secretly dreamed of doing, but thought impossible? Having great adventures, and starting a new and exciting life somewhere far away from his family.

7) What is something he is impractically afraid of? Being helpless and useless, not being able to do anything, or make any choices himself. Not being the master of his own life.

8) Are they a night owl or morning person? He adapts easily to either, though he's a bit more of a night owl.

9) Do they say everything that pops into their head, or leave a lot unsaid? He typically will leave a lot unsaid, he doesn't like anyone to know too much about him, and finds that retaining a certain air of mystery can be very helpful. Sometimes when he's in a dark mood he might say a lot of things that he would be better off not saying, including his opinions of those around him, which are usually not the nicest.

10) What are their nervous habits? He sometimes whittles little pieces of wood into shapes of animals, or he might fiddle with various items he has collected in his pockets.

That's all. I hope you enjoyed this and learned some new things about Jastin. If you have any questions about my book, "The Paths of Thyme" just leave your questions in the comments and I'll do my best to answer them. Have a great day!


  1. I definitely enjoyed reading about Jastin! (Cool name, by the way.) I love the answer to #9. Reminds me of myself in some ways, actually.

    Hmm, I just the your synopsis of The Paths of Thyme. Now I'm quite intrigued, because I very much like Jastin, but he seems like the bad guy. Not that I've never liked a bad guy. Ha.

    Well, I see you've posted some short stories... I'm off to read them!

    Jessy @ Barefoot in the Snow

    1. Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed reading about him. I can see from your profile picture that liking bad guys is something that never happens to you... ;)

      I really love Jastin, he is a bit bad, but there's so much more to him than that. I can't really tell you that much about him without giving away some important things from my novel, but he isn't all bad, just a bit, and that makes him interesting and intriguing.

      Great! Let me know what you think of them, I always love feedback!

    2. Haha, yup. Me? Like the bad guy? Never. ;)

      That's what I was hoping from what I read! So I'm obviously thrilled. I love people like that, they're so interesting and fun to read about.

      I believe you've got a couple comments about them. I enjoyed them very much!

    3. Well if you stick around you'll be sure to hear more about him, and my book. :)

      Great! I'll go check those out.

    4. Hooray and Awesomeness. Yes, I just used random capitals, or not so random.

  2. Jastin fascinates me, especially that part about his brothers. I think I'd totally love him.

    1. He's one of my favorite characters to write, but his brothers are even more fun to write. There's just something exciting and fun about writing really mean and bad characters. :)

    2. Oh goodness yes. I love writing the evil guys.

  3. Jastin has such an awesome name! I really enjoyed getting to know a bit about him. Sounds like you have a pretty cool book on your hands here. I've been planning on doing this meme again this month too, and after reading your post, I'm definitely going to do it. I even finally manage to pick a character to do it with!

    1. Thank you! Great! I can't wait to discover more about your characters.

  4. Jastin sounds like a great character. His name is so cool and unique. I also just read the synopsis for your novel. He sounds like a good guy with a mysterious "bad" side, which makes me more fascinated! Can't wait to learn more about him and your novel!


    1. Thank you, hopefully I'll finish writing and revising TPOT soon and will share a few snippets from the book! Thanks for stopping by. :)
