Saturday, June 14, 2014

Beautiful People June Edition-Nadasa

Today I will be participating in Beautiful People, a monthly set of questions to help me, and you, wonderful readers, get to know my characters. I will be answering these questions about Nadasa from my book The Paths of Thyme, So without further ado, let's get started!

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1) What is their full name and is there a story behind why they got it?  Nadasa's full name is Nadasa Wren. She was named that because she was such a small baby, but had a very loud cry, just like a wren.

2) How old are they, and when were they born?  Nadasa is about fifteen, she was born during a very tumultuous time in her world, when Gurethek, the traitorous prince succeeded in murdering the queen and the crown prince.

3) Describe their physical appearance. (Bonus questions: 1. What is their race/nationality/ethnicity? 2. Do you have a picture of them? If so, include it!)  Nadasa has black curly hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. Her Race is half Wanderer, an ethnic group similar to gypsies, and half Amarian. Of course, I love this picture of Astrid Bergès Frisbey, it looks exactly like Nadasa to me.

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4) Describe your character's personality first in one word, and then elaborate with a few sentences.  Curious. She has so many questions she wants answered, and can't help herself when she is tempted with answers.

5) What theme song(s) fit their personality and story arc?  Where are we going from here by Blackmore's Night. I love the mysterious feeling of the music which matches Nadasa's Wanderer background, and the words fit with her story very well.

6) Which one of the seven deadly sins describes your character?  Wrath, she is usually very sweet, but has a bad temper that flares up when she feels that something is unjust, and can be very frightening when angry.

7) If they were an element (fire, water, earth, air), which one would they be?  Earth. Nadasa is in love with nature, she is an herbalist, loves plants, and is always climbing trees. She is also very steady and dependable, she will not let you down and will stand by her friends to the end.

8) What is their favorite word?  Wings. She named her horse Wing because she has always dreamed of flying.

9) Who’s one person they really miss? (It could be someone who’s passed away, or someone they’re not close to anymore, or someone who’s moved away.) Nadasa has always had a missing piece in her heart, she never knew where she came from, or who her family was. Thalia, the herbalist who adopted her, refused to tell her anything. When she discovered that she was a Wanderer, then her whole life turned into a mission to find her people who have disappeared from the land.

10) What sights, sounds, and smells remind them of that person? On dark nights, when the three moons are shining in the black sky, and the wind rustles the leaves outside her window, she wonders what life would be like to know a family. Whenever she sees bright colors it reminds her of the Wanderers who always wear as many bright colors as possible.

If you enjoyed this and would like me to do more things like this in the future, please let me know in the comments, as always I'd love to hear from you!


  1. stopping by on the link-up...She is an intriguing character! And her name is so pretty...and I always love gypsy or gypsy-like stories. XD

    1. Thanks for stopping by, and for the questions! :)

  2. Very interesting and likable character. I love her picture and her name very pretty and ethereal.

  3. These are cool answers! I was working on my Beautiful People post today :)

    1. Thanks. Awesome! I can't wait to read yours! :)

  4. It seems I pulled this up a while ago, read it, then didn't comment! (That's how a generally read blogs, I guess... I pull up the posts I want to read and don't close them until I have. Sometimes a post gets left behind for a bit before I get to it... but I always get to it.)

    So, I shall comment now.

    I love Nadasa! She seems awesome, and suited to her time (what I know of it). How she was so tiny when she was born, yet she had a loud cry... that tells a lot about her. And the picture, I like that a lot. I really like her name, too, especially knowing the story behind Wren.

    the writeress @ barefoot in the snow

    1. I get it. There's so many blogs to read, especially if you discover a blog you like with lots of back posts, it takes a while to read them all. Sometimes you just can't get around to commenting on all the posts and blogs that you like.

      Thank you! I really love Nadasa, but when I first started writing her I made her too perfect, and I had no end of trouble with her. Recently I've been discovering more about her, and she's become a much more dynamic and interesting character.

    2. Yes, I have a character like that. (Alex, if you care to know.) I simply couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. Okay, that sounds terrible, but you're a writer... you know what I mean.

      It's amazing when they start to take life. And then they pester you... but as annoying as it can be, I wouldn't give it up either. Though, my sister thinks I'm about ready for the funny farm... lol

    3. I get it. :) Haha, I'm sure my family members worry about me sometimes as well, especially when I'm working on a particularly hard bit, and start muttering to myself. Or if I've been writing for too long I get a glazed look, and sort of live only halfway in the real world. It can be a problem sometimes...

    4. Yeah. We visited my Gramma recently. She thought something was wrong, and when I asked why, she said I was "unusually occupied & quiet." I was like... oh, that. Um, that's just my writer's mood lol

    5. Exactly, and that's perfectly alright. :)
