Friday, August 1, 2014

Those Final Two Words: The End.

Four years ago I had an idea, an idea that very well may have changed the course of my life. That idea was a story, a story about a young girl named Nadasa. A story that is now entitled "The Paths of Thyme". For four years I plotted, planned, wrote, developed characters, and worked on "The Paths of Thyme" which grew into something far bigger than the tiny idea it started out with. Nadasa, Jastin, Dan, Thalia, Hagan, Nika, Isa, Markus, Wing, and all the rest of the characters came to life and became so real to me. After a long journey of four years, with over six majorly different versions, a grand total of 66,346 words, and 298 typed pages, I have finally witten those final two words that I have dreamed of writing ever since I started:

That's right, "The Paths of Thyme" is done. Finished! Well, I've got a whole lot of revision to do yet, but I have finally made it all the way through the whole story, it's all there. All of it. Finally. I did it, and I can hardly believe it. I completed my first novel, the project that I've been working on for four years is done! Now what do I do? Ah yes, revision, and you know what? I'm actually pretty excited about that. Now if you'll excuse me I'm off to celebrate with a whole lot of ice cream, and chocolate, lots!

(Oh, and if you're wondering. Yes, this means that I completed my Camp NaNoWriMo goal.)


  1. Congrats Andrea! That's so great!!! I love when I've worked on a book for years and I can finally hit the end of it. Great job!

  2. Hurray! That's so exciting! Congrats, Andrea! I can't wait to read the finished book. Enjoy revising with your ice cream and chocolate ;)

    the writeress || barefoot in the snow

  3. I can't find the words to say how absolutely THRILLED I am for you!

  4. Congratulations!!! Finishing a book is just the best feeling in the world, especially if it's one you've been working on so long. And wow, it sounds like you've put your heart and soul into this one. I admire your dedication.

    Congrats again! I'm so excited for you!! :D

    1. Thanks Christine, I'm so happy about how far it's come. I guess now that I think about it, I really have put a bit of my heart and soul in this book, maybe that's why it's so special to me. The main character of my book, Nadasa, struggles with belonging, and finding her place in the world. That's something that I am currently struggling with as I grow up and start an adult life. I can really identify with Nadasa, and I think that's why I care so much about this book, and about getting it right. Which is why I've worked on it for so long. Hopefully I will be able to get though my future books much quicker. :)
