Special Thanks to
Maddie Jay and
Ghost Ryter for both nominating me for the Sunflower award! The rules for this award are very simple:
1. Share 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions that the previous blogger asked you.
3. Tag 11 other bloggers and ask them 11 new questions.
Let's get started with 11 Facts about me:
1. I love words passionately.
2. I love listening to musicals, and singing along.
3. I spend way too much time on the internet, mostly on Pinterest.
4. I went through a drawing phase for several years where I would only draw in pen.
5. I'm almost %100 Dutch.
6. My birthstone is an opal.
7. If I had to choose a superpower I would choose invisibility.
8. I don't like pop tarts.
9. When I was little I didn't want to be a writer because people told me I should be one.
10. My favorite school subject is History, and my least favorite is Math.
11. My favorite color changes all the time, right now it's purple, or maybe red...
1. What made you start blogging? I was inspired by a friend's blog
Visiting with Dragons, and decided to start my own blog. I started back in 2012 and blogged somewhat steadily through the first months of 2013, then I lost interest and gave it up for a while. Last April I went to a writer's conference and realized the importance of having a professional website or blog. So I logged back on, did some major design changes, tightened my focus, deleted my terrible old posts, stuck to a schedule, became more social on other blogs, and here I am now.
2. If you were forced to go back in time to live, when and where would it be? I've always been fascinated by the Renaissance, a time of art, science, and discovery. I probably wouldn't live all that long, and women's rights were nonexistent, but I would love to live in Renaissance Italy.
3. Name the one food you can't do without. Potatoes. I love them fried, mashed, boiled, with cheese, baked, poached, scalloped, etc. They are amazingly versatile and so tasty, all you really need is a bit of salt and butter. "Po-ta-toes! Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew." -Samwise Gamgee
4. If you had to wear a mask for a whole year (never taking it off), what kind of mask would it be? Hmm, that's a really interesting question. I think I would go for a small black super hero mask that fit around the eyes. Something small and simple, and hopefully something that wouldn't attract too much attention. Can you imagine having to wear a full face mask for a year! How would you eat?
5. What is one thing you wish you knew how to do? I can't really think of anything right of the top of my head, maybe better jewelry making skills...
6. Favorite genre to read/write? Fantasy both ways though I do love a good Sci Fi or Post Apocalyptic novel, and historical fiction is also really good. A Genre I don't like is Romance, don't get me wrong I love a little bit of romance in a novel as much as the next girl, but the whole genre of romance books is disgusting.
7. Name one thing you are really proud of having done. Completing NaNoWriMo last November!
8. Are you a bold font or italics type of person? Bold, I like how strong and clean it looks.
9. M&Ms or bubble gum? M&Ms, even though I don't like it when the candy coating bleeds color all over my hands on a hot day. Bubble gum loses it's flavor too fast, and it really hurts if you have to get it out of your hair.
10. Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate!
11. Who do you wish most to resemble? That's a really hard one! Physical characteristics? Hmm, I've always wanted darker hair and more prominent cheekbones, but I can't really think of any certain person I'd like to look like.
1. Who is the best looking cartoon guy you've ever seen? Hiccup from How to Train your Dragon 2. He was cute in the first movie, but WOW those few years in between the sequel have really been good to him.
2. If you had to live in an era besides this one, which would you choose? I already answered the Renaissance earlier, but the early 1900s would be really interesting as well.
3. If you could have dinner with anyone, Dead, Alive, Or fictional, Who would it be? I would love to have dinner with C.S. Lewis. I think he would be fascinating company, and I would have so many questions to ask him about everything, from faith, to greek mythology, to Narnia.
4. What is your ideal first date? I don't know about first date, but one day I'd love to go on a date to a fair, have my boyfriend win me a stuffed animal, share cotten candy, and kiss on the top of a ferris wheel at dusk.
5. If one of your characters (or a favorite book character if you don't have any original characters) were to be put in a movie, who would you want to play them? That's a hard question because I'm not very good at picking actors to play my characters. Hmm... Well if "The Paths of Thyme" was ever made into a movie I think that Astrid Bergès-Frisbey would make a great Nadasa, except she's French and doesn't speak much English.
6. Talking Veggie Tales here. Bob, or Larry? Wow it's been a long time since I watched any Veggie Tales. I'm going to have to say Larry, he's so funny and loveable. I can't think of anyone who likes Bob better...
7. Do you like to play Checkers? I do sometimes, but I never play with my brother, he always beats me.
8. Why do you think all the super genius villains in shows like Person of Interest and Sherlock Holmes like to play chess? It's funny that you would as that, all I can think of is the time in the show Sherlock BBC that Sherlock and his brother Mycroft were playing what the audience thought was chess, and it turned out to be operation. That made me laugh so hard because they threw the stereotype on it's head. Typically I suppose genius villains enjoy it because they like the strategy and love to beat their opponents.
9. Summer or Winter? When it's winter I long for summer, when it summer I long for winter. Human nature cannot be satisfied with one or the other.
I seem to be the last one in my circle of bloggers to participate in this award. Since I don't know of any bloggers who haven't done it already, I nominate anyone who would like to participate.
And Here are their 11 questions:
1. Describe your perfect day.
2. Who's your favorite movie/book sidekick?
3. What's your favorite kind of sandwich?
4. When did you first start writing/blogging and why?
5. If you only had one day left to live what would you do?
6. What's something from your childhood that was not as good as you remembered?
7. Have you ever been to the ocean?
8. Did you ever move someone deeply with something you wrote?
9. What's your favorite holiday?
10. What food would you say represents your personality?
11. What do you like to do on rainy days?
I hope you learned something interesting about me from this award, it was a lot of fun to do. Don't forget to comment below, I always love to hear from you!