Monday, September 15, 2014

100 for 100

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Go Teen Writers is hosting their fourth annual 100 for 100 event. If you sign up at their website then you can join the hundreds of other people who have decided to take the challenge and write 100 words in 100 days, and I'm one of them, Today is the first day of the event and also the last day to register. So if you want to participate you should head over to and sign up right now. 

During 100 for 100 you're supposed to work on one project, and if you finish that project you can work on the next one. I'm planning on working on my Beauty and the Beast retelling for Rooglewood Press's "Five Enchanted Roses" contest, which you will be hearing more about in the near future. After I finish that then I'll probably work on a children's book idea I've had for a while, or maybe I'll work on one of the many other story ideas I have planned out on my Pinterest boards. I'm sorry to tell you all that editing "The Paths of Thyme" has been put on the shelf for a little while as I won't have any time to work on it while I'm on YWAM.

This is my first time doing 100 for 100, what about you? Have you participated before? What project(s) are you planning on working on? Comment below, I always love hearing from you!


  1. How have I not heard of this! THANK YOU for letting me know about it - I'm signing up right now!!!

    1. Great! I'm so glad you could join in. I'm too busy this year to do NaNoWriMo which bummed me out, but then I heard about this 100 for a 100 and it sounded much more doable with my busy schedule so I signed up.

  2. I'm doing it too! This will be my fourth 100 for 100, and I'm epically excited about it. I just love challenges like these. I'm cheating a little bit because I'm actually working on editing my fantasy book 'The Crystal Tree'. But I'm rewriting pretty much everything in the scenes, and editing is harder anyway, so I'm just counting the amount of words I edit in a day at the moment.

    1. Awesome! Well that's perfectly fine, these things are designed to help you get writing done on whatever project you happen to be working on, and where you need it the most. If the project you need to get done is editing, then so be it. Editing is more difficult than just spewing out words anyways. "The Crystal Tree"? Huh, I don't think I've heard of that project before...

  3. Awesome! How's your first few days gone? I forgot how hard it was to find tie to write every single day, haha.

    1. So far I've been on track, but you're right, it's really hard to remember to write everyday. :P

    2. Great! I've managed to stay on track too. I liked on Nano how I could skip writing on certain days if I wanted, as long as I wrote extra later on. I guess it's a good habit to get into though.

    3. Yeah that was nice, but I often would skip two weeks and had to scramble to catch up on the last couple of days which really wasn't a good idea. They say it only takes about a month to create a habit, after a hundred days we should be all set with a great new habit. :)
