Sunday, June 7, 2015

Busy, Busy, Busy

I'm sitting at my desk trying to fill out paperwork and somehow write a coherent to do list, while a half empty duffle bag sits on my floor surrounded by piles of clothes and other items. I'm leaving later today to become a camp counselor for the summer at a nearby Christian summer camp, and needless to say, I am very, very busy.

For the past two weeks I was working at a hostel right off the Appellation Trail, everyday, designing flyers, cooking, cleaning, running errands, and whatever else was needed. I was crazy busy, and I discovered something rather interesting. Before I got that job I was in a creative rut, I couldn't seem to write anything, or even want to look at my many projects, but after working for several days I could feel my stagnant creative blood start to flow, and ideas started to pop into my head again.

I discovered that the busier I am, the more creative I become. Which was actually a bit of a relief. I was starting to wonder if I wasn't cut out to be a writer, but it turned out that it was just a rut I fell into and when I had lots to do it was enough to lift me out of it. The only flip side to that is that when you're really busy you hardly have time to write anything down, post on your blog, or work on any other project, but at least you aren't trapped in that rut anymore.

So now you know a bit of what I've been up to since I last posted, I'd like to promise that I'll post more soon, and I hope too, but I'm going to be even busier than before, so we'll see what happens, and I hope you can hear from me some more soon. I mostly wanted to let you all know that I'm still here and haven't evaporated into thin air.

What about you? What have you been up to? Can you relate to being crazy busy? How does it affect your creative life? Leave a comment below! I always love hearing from you!


  1. Wow sounds like you have been extremely busy. I have been swamped this month as well, and it does affect me creatively. The opposite of how it effects you though, I lose my creativity. :P I am trying to start on my Sleeping Beauty Retelling, but I am zapped creatively.

    1. Whenever I get busy it seems to stimulate my creativity, being too busy though, when you don't have enough time to jot down even a few sentences, can be pretty rough though. I hope that you can find some inspiration that can get you going! Good luck! :)

  2. Aye, busy-ness has lately been my business. (Sorry. (I'm not that sorry.)) I've been having lots of ideas but not actually getting down to getting them down. I've got three weeks left before I'm off for a couple weeks (excite) then back to school, which should be great :D. (._.( )._.) (._.( )._.)

    1. Hopefully you'll be able to get your ideas down on paper, it's far too easy to loose them when you don't write them down. :( Have fun at school!
