Hello everyone! I have returned from my long absence from this blog. It's good to be back! The last few months I've been inactive and I'm sorry about that. I've been doing mission work with YWAM (Youth With a Mission) in Asia. It was an amazing, and life changing experience. Now I've graduated from my DTS (Discipleship Training School) and I'm living with my family who moved to another state while I was gone. Needless to say this is a challenging experience, especially since I've gotten used to a different way of life in the last five months, but it's where God wants me at the moment, and that's good enough for me.
So I'm sure you all would like to know what's been going on in the last five months since I haven't been very active in posting. Well, I'm not even sure where to start. So much has happened, it's very hard to put it all in words. On my DTS I learned so much about myself that I never knew and grew a lot, especially as I experienced a completely different culture in Asia. I also drew so much closer to God, and now I have a wonderful amazing relationship with Him, as well as other people. I made so many lifelong friends, that I miss very much right now.
I've now been home for two weeks and I haven't done very much during that time. Mostly just adjusting, catching up with my family, reading, getting to see the new town, watching some great animes, and trying to unpack all my stuff and get it organized enough so I can find my scissors and my earrings when I want them. It's still a huge mess in my room with boxes everywhere and I can never find anything, but it's coming along, I plan on getting a job soon but I'm having a very hard time deciding what I want to do.
Well in the writing area I've been working on a new story off and on while I've been at school and so far I'm very happy with how far it's come. I also got some good friends to read "The Paths of Thyme" for me and give me some feedback, so I should be able to start editing that soon. I've also had several new story ideas while I've been gone that are currently in the early planning stage. I tried to complete 100 for 100 but I wasn't able to keep it up for long with my crazy schedule. As for NaNoWriMo, (National Novel Writing Month) I stockpiled a lot of words on my new story during November but ultimately fell short of the final 50,000 word mark.
So that about covers it I think. In the near future I will be posting some pictures from Asia and a few stories about what happened there. I also have a very exciting project in the works that I hope to share with you all in a month or two. I will continue to post on this blog, and a lot more often than I have in the past months, so you can look forward to that.
I would love to hear what you've been up to in the past few months while I've been gone, so please comment below, I love hearing from you!
I would love to hear what you've been up to in the past few months while I've been gone, so please comment below, I love hearing from you!